He also said he is furious with this women for wanting to keep the child, because they were only together for 2 minutes. April 10, 2012, 7:15 pm. But then Id be haunted with the thought that I could have frozen BETTER sperm than the sperm I froze before tying the tubes and will always wonder if my children could have been better. Abortion is incompatible with compelled child support. And before we launch into a discussion of how terrible abortion is, in this case (the LW) were talking about one that is very early on. 6napkinburger He should have taken more precautions. We do know that the guy in question didnt use a condom (as you yourself pinted out elsewhere, LW would have def. Im so glad SOMEONE pointed that out.
After crying, talking, and crying a lot more, he left, and I closed the door behind him. Having legal custody doesnt guarantee you or prevent you from paying support. The 16 & Pregnant cast member slash Teen Mom 2 firebrand is many things, but she has never been lucky in love. I can agree with you that the decision about which medical proceedure she under goes after that point is totally hers., Is it any wonder that 40% of the kids born today are bastards?. My Boyfriend Got Another Girl Pregnant Before We Started Dating, What REALLY? Of course life is unfair. Im simply responding to the information in the letter because, not knowing these people personally, I have nothing else to go on. But anyone who consents to sex and is then furious at their sex partner when a baby is the outcome is an idiot. She has no right to be angry at this other woman, and doesnt know what her motives are. Maybe the man in me is coming out today, but in a time where all you hear about is the War on Women and how dare any man tell a woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies that anyone on here can say this man doesnt have a right to do whatever he pleases with his body. That isnt misogyny. Unless youve been there, you dont know. Senior year of high school, you turn to your boyfriend and say the words hes been dying to hear I think Im ready. He responds with Great, Im totally ready to be a dad anyway. Uh, no, were using protection. No, I know. -Is furious with her for keeping her baby Not in the 50s or 60s and maybe not as late as the 80s but today the father gets joint custody. That pretty much sums it up for me. Mostly for the kid though, I think. This is always the risk and Id wager 2% of people or less would actually take the time to ask anything about a potential pregancy before the stick gets dipped, My personal philosophy due to the current legal malarky is I need to know their standing on what happens if contraceptives fail and, if they would keep the child, is the person somebody I could see myself staying withboth of those things usually require me to know someone longer than 2 mins., Not JUST due to the legal malarky..I was too focused on getting that word in.